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Why So Many Entrepreneurs Don’t Know Their Digital Marketing

admin | June 8, 2023

Digital marketing is widely recognized among business owners for providing a higher ROI compared to other strategies. Being able to opt out of purchasing paper materials and paying for manpower reduces expenses, and going digital with your marketing campaign expands your outreach beyond what you might be able to do with direct mail.

While the benefits are clear, it is also common for entrepreneurs to lack knowledge of just how important their digital marketing campaigns are for driving their profits. Understanding where the knowledge gap occurs helps you take action to increase your awareness of what your business gets back on every investment you make in a digital marketing campaign.

Check Your Motivation Level

Apathy is a big driver for a lack of awareness, and it is possible that some entrepreneurs just aren’t that concerned with figuring out the ROI that occurs with their digital marketing campaigns. This isn’t to say that certain business owners don’t care. Some just view hitting certain goals as being more important. For instance, you might be more concerned about achieving record sales numbers without worrying about how to make it happen. Even in this case, doing some analysis could help you figure out how to achieve your goals with fewer expenses.

Explore Tools That Make Measuring ROI Easier

Being a new business owner often involves a massive learning curve. It is possible that you might not feel like you have the ability to perform accurate measurements of the ROI regarding your digital marketing campaigns. Carving out some time in your schedule for training is a great way to figure out how to use free resources such as the metrics you can view on platforms such as Facebook. Online seminars and other training events are a great place to begin by brushing up on a few skills that give you more insight into how to market your business.

Accept the Potential for Imperfection

Entrepreneurs quickly learn that accuracy is critical for their business operations. After all, transposing two numbers on a form can end up in total chaos, whether you are figuring out your annual budget, calculating a sale, or paying taxes. ROI works a little bit differently. In many cases, the metrics reflect delayed results, or you might not always be able to tell exactly how big an impact a specific part of your digital marketing plan had in increasing traffic to your business.

Ideally, you want to look at the ROI calculations as an overall picture that you can use to guide your decisions on how much to invest in digital marketing in the future. If you’ve invested funds into strategies that just aren’t working, then it’ll be pretty clear in your final calculations. Or, you may find that your digital marketing investments are paying off. In either case, you can then perform some deeper analysis work to figure out where the details come into play. But, you’ll find this process much easier when you already have a general idea of how well the efforts are working.

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