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    NJSBDC – Our Mission

    To empower New Jersey’s small and medium-sized businesses through expert guidance and access to a network of resources, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable economic development across the state.


    NJSBDC – Our Vision

    Our vision is to be recognized as the pivotal force behind transforming New Jersey’s small and medium-sized businesses into globally competitive, innovative, and sustainable entities contributing significantly to the state’s economy.


    NJSBDC – Our Core Values

    The NJSBDC embraces the following 7 Core Values (I.N.S.P.I.R.E.):

    • Innovation: We embrace and encourage innovation, constantly seeking new and creative ways to address challenges and enhance business strategies for sustainable development.
    • Networking: Prioritizing collaboration as the key to collective success, we work hand-in-hand with businesses, communities, and partners to create a supportive network of mutual growth.
    • Standards of Integrity: Our actions are guided by the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct, ensuring trust and credibility in all our interactions.
    • Positive Community Impact: Dedicated to making a positive and lasting impact on the communities we serve, we understand that thriving businesses contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of society.
    • Inclusivity: Committed to fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diversity, equity, and accessibility, recognizing that diverse perspectives drive innovation and success.
    • Resilience: We are committed to building resilience within the business community, helping them to navigate challenges and thrive despite adversity.
    • Empowerment: We believe in empowering businesses with knowledge, resources, and opportunities, enabling them to reach their full potential and contribute to a robust economy.



    The New Jersey Small Business Development Center was established by Congress in 1978 as one of the first national SBDC pilot projects resulting from the passage of Public Law 96-302. Today, the NJSBDC network is composed of the headquarters located at Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick, 11 full-service regional centers, and an additional 28 affiliate (or satellite) offices located throughout the state. Regional centers are hosted by and affiliated with two and four-year college and university business programs with a major footprint for comprehensive small business assistance and outreach.

    NJSBDC Directors and consultants are paid, proven professionals with graduate-level degrees in business and many years of practical experience with bottom-line responsibility. Working for the NJSBDC is their career of choice which continually challenges them with formulating strategic solutions to client issues.