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Business – Growth Accelerator Program
Outcome Focused Strategic Consulting
for Established High-Growth/High-Impact Businesses

An in-depth assessment of all areas of your business.
Business Identity & Structure
Operations (HR, IT, Payroll, Processes, Inventory control, etc.)
Marketing (Product lines. Target markets, Communications – traditional & digital)
Financial Management (Cash flow, Capital investments, Financial projections)
Strategic Planning (Mission/Vision, Succession & Contingency planning, JVs)

An expert B-GAP Advisor leads the evaluation and project planning teams to develop actionable projects with definitive outcomes, milestones, responsibilities within a strategic framework for your business. Projects typically are formulated addressing immediate growth impediments, such as:
access to (and use of) capital and/or
While these are the most common areas of concern, these examples are not all inclusive.

Project Implementation
The secret ingredient in B-GAP success is the Project Approach to Strategic Growth. Our success rate (well over 90%) is dependent on the following:
your commitment to the process – both time and money
the skill of the B-GAP Advisor in the evaluation process
the identification and planning of the right projects (results, duration and continuation of growth processes)
partnership with your expert team.
Project Approach to Strategic Growth
Think you’re ready?
There are specific criteria for participation in the B-GAP Strategic Advancement Project.
Company Size: $1 million and/or 10 + employees
Company Status: Existing business beyond start-up phase
Management Commitment: Must be willing to commit time & money to succeed