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Cares Programs

admin | September 25, 2020

NJSBDC Cares Webinars


The NJSBDC is offering a series of comprehensive training programs for small and mid-sized businesses impacted by COVID-19 to help with issues ranging from “Continuity Planning for Sudden Disasters” to “Debt Restructuring and Bankruptcy”. These programs will be available online starting Wednesday, September 30, 2020 with “Return to Work: Health & Safety Issues”, taught by Mitchel Rosen, Ph.D., of Rutgers School of Public Health, Center for Public Health Workforce Development (CPHWD). All programs in this series are presented by field experts with the sole purpose of helping New Jersey business overcome the business-related effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These programs are made available by the Cares grant, funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The webinars being offered under the Cares program are listed below:

Webinar Titles:Webinar Descriptions:Dates & Times:Registration Links
Return to Work (Part I): Health & Safety IssuesA two-part series – This first of a 2-part webinar series will focus on how small businesses can protect their workplaces, employees and customers against potential health and safety threats, including the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. The main part of the training will address key issues that small businesses must address before opening their business. Small businesses should develop a COVID-19 Return to Work plan that addresses a range of issues.Wed., Sept. 30, 2020 at 1 – 2:30 pm

On-Demand Recording Pending

Return to Work (Part II): Mental Health & Resiliency“Return to Work: Mental Health & Resiliency” is part two of a two-part series, which will provide information about continuing to incorporate safety and health concerns for workers and customers in their core business operations.

This webinar will cover the following topics:
– Managing our reactions to COVID19
– Helping each other
– Support for families
– Mental health and resiliency resources

Wed., Oct. 28, 2020 at 12 – 1:30 pm
Credit Management: Techniques to Establish Business Credit

Establishing business credit is not as hard as you think. There are simple ways to get started in getting your business to stand on its own when it comes to credit. The fact is that many business loans are denied due to the lack of business credit. Join us and learn about:

  • How May Covid-19 Impact Your Credit
  • CoronaVirus and Your Finances
  • What Exactly Is a FICO Score
  • What Makes up Your Credit Score
  • Variables of Credit & How it Affects You
  • Credit Utilization
  • The law Is On Your Side
  • Dealing With Collection Agencies
  • Data Miners and Other Third-Party Agencies
  • Process of Credit Freeze
  • What is Business Credit
  • Steps to Establishing Business Credit
  • Major Business Credit Agencies
  • Working W/Vendors to Establish Credit
Wed., Oct. 28, 2020 at 4 – 5:30 pm
Continuity Planning for Sudden DisastersUnderstanding and preparing for the potential effects of sudden natural or manmade disasters on small business supply chains, operations, finances, payrolls, distribution, and sale of products. There will be three webinar categories: Recovery, Resiliency, and Reinvention.TBDTBD
E-Commerce for Small Business GrowthHow to develop robust web integration, online sales and marketing, cybersecurity for small businesses, online distribution, and delivery services for small businesses. The webinar will be delivered in two versions: One for B2B businesses and one for B2C businesses.TBDTBD
Operations Continuity through Remote ManagementHow small businesses can develop and execute Continuity of Operations through planning, telework and remote management during periods of interrupted business service. There will be two categories: Recovery and Resiliency.TBDTBD
Creating an Exceptional Customer ExperienceThis webinar will focus on how small businesses can develop and execute Continuity of customer service practices to sustain business activities during periods of interrupted business service. There will two webinar versions: one for Service Industry audience and one for Product/Manufacturing.TBDTBD
Business Response & Recovery Training for Small Business OwnersUsing survey insights and review of small business activities in other regions, the Heldrich Center will provide recommendations on how NJ businesses are using remote work in response to public health and economic challenges. Examples will be identified from within NJ and other regions, including how these strategies respond to Federal, State, and local public health regulations.TBDTBD
Protecting Your Intellectual PropertyHow to protect small business intellectual property. Existing businesses would benefit from a review of intellectual property protections, as they update their original or new business plans (which may not already address trademarks for example) and new businesses, would certainly need guidance on intellectual property so that they are properly protected (with patents for example).TBDTBD
Responding to Cyber Security ThreatsThe risks and mitigation of cyber threats in online commerce, remote customer service, or telework practices by providing small businesses and entrepreneurs with a series of online and in-person cyber-security awareness training cohorts. This Cybersecurity Program will go beyond intrusion detection and reactive remediation. It will provide insight on how to implement cost-effective measures designed to prevent cybercriminals from compromising the integrity of business-critical assets and information on a daily basis. The webinar also covers written policies and procedures to develop, maintain, and enforce both internally and publicly on the business’ website. Topics will also include federal and state laws that impact business operations and the business data typically collected and stored.  Finally, this webinar will cover contractual obligations that clients may impose, and what business owners should expect and seek from vendors. The webinar also provides a number of best practices and helpful tips to educate end-users who access business’ systems information.TBDTBD
Debt Restructuring & BankruptcyThe objective of this webinar is to teach financially stressed business clients how to get out of debt on an affordable budget and satisfy creditors as an alternative to bankruptcy using a proven methodology.TBDTBD

For more detailed information on the programs, go to NJSBDC Cares Act Webinar Summary (Client View)

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