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New Veterans Launching Ventures (VLV) Program Helps Veteran Entrepreneurs and Their Family Members Launch and Build Thriving Businesses

admin | April 25, 2024

Madison, NJ. April 25, 2024 — The NJSBDC at Fairleigh Dickinson University has announced Veterans Launching Ventures: a new program created for veterans, active military, and their family members to take a business from idea to launch. The program is in partnership with Fairleigh Dickinson University and in collaboration with Stockton University.

Veterans Launching Ventures (VLV) is open to any veteran, active military, and their family members looking to start or grow a business. The program is offered at no-charge thanks to the generosity of TD Foundation and Wells Fargo.

VLV consists of four modules of offering on-demand and live virtual training courses, with professional consulting support, an extensive guide, and live workshops:

Modules 1-3, “Introduction to Entrepreneurship”, “Idea Generation” and “Feasibility”

  • Perfect for those interested in entrepreneurship or seeking to test their business idea.
  • Self-paced On-Demand Modules composed of nine (9) classes featuring an extensive guidebook and resource support.
  • Portal Opens May 6th with weekly live support workshops.

Module 4, “Business Planning”

  • Specifically designed for those looking to open a business in the next six months, or for those in business but looking to expand their operations.
  • Live Virtual Sessions: Engage in a 9-week business planning course starting May 7th 6-8pm ET online.
  • Comprehensive Support: Access to resources and personalized consulting each week
  • Business Plan Pitch Competition: on June 29th

“Veterans Launching Ventures is our heartfelt ‘thank you’ to veterans, service members and their families. The program provides a comprehensive toolkit for their business ventures and helps dreams evolve into thriving enterprises. Through this initiative, we aim to give back to those who’ve given so much, ensuring they have the resources, support, and commitment to prosper. We are honored to support, inspire, and celebrate their entrepreneurial ambitions.” – Matthew Wells, NJSBDC Regional Director at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Registration is now open and space is limited:

Veterans, active military, and their family members are encouraged to sign up today at:

For more information:

Email or call (201) 692-2236.


The New Jersey Small Business Development Center’s Network (NJSBDC) is the premier provider of comprehensive services and programs for small and mid-sized businesses in New Jersey. Through a network of 11 regional centers and over 20 affiliate/satellite offices across New Jersey, the NJSBDC offers no-cost consulting, training, and resources, empowering entrepreneurs to start, grow, and prosper in the Garden State.


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