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Proclamation By Governor Murphy Cites March 20th As New Jersey Small Business Development Centers Day

admin | March 19, 2019

Contact:  Ihor Dlaboha

America’s SBDC New Jersey Collaborates with SBDCs Nationally (#SBDC DAY) SBDCs Create/Save Jobs, and Drive Business Expansion & New Business Start-ups

(Newark, NJ – March 18, 2019) – America’s SBDC New Jersey will join with the other 49 states’ SBDCs across the nation to celebrate SBDC Day on Wednesday, March 20, 2019.  Nearly 1,000 offices nationally are collaborating to promote the core mission and highlight successful outcomes of America’s SBDC program via social media and live business events. The national program assists about 1,000,000 entrepreneurs and small businesses each year.

Governor Phil Murphy and Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver signed a Proclamation acknowledging #SBDC Day on March 20, 2019 alluding to the impact of the SBDC program, joining other states’ governors nationally. NJSBDC clients will share their stories on how they were assisted to increase sales revenues, start new businesses, obtain procurement contracts and capital financing, enhance their business operations to the next level as well as create and save jobs.

America’s SBDC New Jersey, also known as the New Jersey Small Business Development Centers network, has scheduled many business learning sessions/seminars/workshops and open houses on #SBDC Day. The program influences the lives and direction of entrepreneurs and small business owners, catalyzing economic development in communities across the U.S.

“This national effort at SBDCs throughout the country highlights SBDC client success stories and technical assistance being provided to the small business sector. In New Jersey, our 12 centers statewide and specialty programs like Technology Commercialization, E-Business, International Trade, Procurement, and Sustainability help clients to attain success,” said Brenda Hopper, NJSBDC network chief executive officer and state director.

“Our 12 centers’ experts assist our small business clients by teaching them how to rise up to the ongoing challenges in building their business to the next stage of growth,” added Deborah Smarth, NJSBDC network chief operating officer and associate state director. “SBDC Day emphasizes the network’s mission of guiding our small business clients to harness these learning tools and implement recommendations to attain success, creating and saving jobs.”

In 2018, the 12-center NJSBDC network assisting small business owners in all 21 counties, provided more than 18,000 total counseling hours for 4,202 business clients and trained 6,650 individuals and small business clients at 453 training seminars statewide; in addition, 640 SBDC clients started a new business and 60% of all clients were established/existing businesses from diverse industry sectors with varying business life cycles and revenue levels. The NJSBDC helped its clients access more than $118 million in financing and create and save more than 14,000 jobs. Clients generated $1.472 billion in sales revenues, generating conservatively $60 million in sales tax revenues, notwithstanding additional small business tax revenues generated.

Some highlights of the March 20th training and networking events as well as social media efforts at SBDCs (12 regional centers) in New Jersey include:

-The NJSBDC at Brookdale Community College (Monmouth & Ocean counties), will launch its podcast, “Talk of Success with the NJSBDC at Brookdale.” The new podcast will include past clients and partners of the Center and information about the NJSBDC program (services and impact). Segments will be played throughout the day on diverse social media venues.

-The NJSBDC at Kean University (Union County) is hosting a networking event (12:30 to 3:30 pm) at Mama’s BBQ II, Springfield Avenue, in Union (Vauxhall), NJ. The restaurant is a growing business client of this Center and was recognized as a Success Award Winner at the December 2018 statewide Business Growth Awards Luncheon. Chris Finnick, owner, is hosting the event at his restaurant; learn about NJSBDC services and network with other NJSBDC’s successful clients; SBA District Office personnel and NJSBDC HQ representatives will also participate. Menu food samples will be served. SBA Regional Administrator (Region II) Steve Bulger will join SBDC clients and SBDC staff and the NJSBDC HQ Senior Leadership Team.

-The NJSBDC at New Jersey City University (Hudson County) is holding a “Social Media for Small Business” workshop at Kearny Point Industrial Park, 78 John Miller Way, Kearny, NJ.

-The NJSBDC of Northwest Jersey (Morris, Sussex, & Warren counties) is sponsoring webinars (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) on topics like Digital Sales Tips, Forecasting and Business Modeling, Importance of Streamlined Sales Tax, Pay Equity Program, Owners Path to Success, and State government resources at agencies like the Business Action Center and the NJ Economic Development Authority.

-The NJSBDC at Ramapo College of New Jersey (Bergen County) is hosting “SBDC Services as A Guide to Your Future,” for open enrollment in obtaining direct assistance from the Center. In addition, a successful business with longevity will be sharing perspectives about challenges in the current economy; students and faculty are invited.  

-The NJSBDC at Raritan Valley Community College (Hunterdon & Somerset counties) is sponsoring/offering an “Entrepreneur Assessment” session following regular work hours from 6 to 9 p.m. on the College campus to provide guidance to individuals who may be considering starting a business; during the session, entrepreneurs will complete a self-assessment questionnaire to identify personal characteristics, financial fitness and business readiness skills to own a business. The instructor will score, interpret and discuss results to understand attendees’ entrepreneurial profile.

-The NJSBDC at Rutgers-Camden (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Salem counties) is featuring a live Facebook feed from two locations, including a yoga Studio and a Comic Book Shop. These two choices exemplify the business tasks of certain SBDC clients and the Center will also highlight additional SBDC clients’ stories.

-The NJSBDC at Rutgers-Newark (Essex County) is hosting a “Business is Sweet” Open House networking event at the James Street Center in Newark. The activities will be livestreamed on Facebook for businesses and also include Rutgers Business School students and faculty, with the Center’s focus on marketing content; desserts will be served.

-The NJSBDC at Rutgers-New Brunswick (Middlesex County) will hold an “Open House” from 2 to 4 p.m. at which time SBDC clients can network; the Center will provide free admission for its “Lean Business Plan Workshop.” The Center will conduct a social media connection on FaceBook and Linkedin as well so that information content and success outcomes can be shared.

-The NJSBDC at Stockton University (Atlantic, Cape May, and Cumberland counties) will be sponsoring a “Clients Networking and Business Card Exchange Breakfast,” featuring the Center’s past success award winners on social media pages.

-The NJSBDC at The College of New Jersey (Mercer County) will be launching a new initiative called “I Am a Proud Latino SBDC Ambassador.” The Center has selected Latino businesses in various parts of Mercer County to be program advocates to the Latino small business community, which involves promoting SBDC services and information to peer businesses that need assistance to advance or those who are looking to start a new business. The Latino business ambassadors in Mercer County include La Cabana Restaurant, MM Lawn & Landscaping Services, Your Salon, O & D Beauty Salon, El Negro de Oro, Ewing Cakes, Check Exchange Services, Salud y Figura, Gomez Cash Checking, and Lucy’s Multiservices.

The NJSBDC at William Paterson University (Passaic County) has scheduled a morning session “Bank of America program on Economic Mobility Basics;” at noon, an information session on “Procurement Opportunities;” from 2 to 3 p.m., there will be an “Open House” for past SBDC client success award winners.

Visit www.njsbdc.com, to navigate directly to centers’ regional websites (for event schedules & times).

About America’s SBDC New Jersey

The New Jersey Small Business Development Centers network, consisting of 12 centers, has provided comprehensive services and programs for small business in New Jersey for 40 years and is one of the first pilot projects in the nation. This non-profit federal-state-educational partnership leverages funding from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the N.J. Legislature/ Business Action Center, and other private/public grants and sponsorships. NJSBDC Headquarters is located at Rutgers Business School in Newark, NJ. America’s SBDC is a national network of SBDCs with up to 1,000 centers/ satellite offices across the country, generating jobs, new businesses and economic development. Visit www.njsbdc.com. Follow us on Twitter @NJSBDC and Facebook.

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