Email marketing has long been a major part of running a business. In fact, you probably have quite a few emails from companies that you do business with sitting in your inbox now. Automating your company’s emails takes your marketing plan to the next level by providing these benefits that will make it one of the most essential tools that your small business uses.
Specify Who Receives Marketing Materials
Most people today receive far more emails than they want to deal with each day. While you want to increase brand awareness, you also want to avoid annoying people to the point that they send your company’s emails directly to spam. With automation, you get to specify who receives certain emails according to the parameters that you establish. This allows you to do things such as send welcome messages to new customers or provide a follow-up email on a recent sale to established ones.
Synch Emails to Your Customers’ Buying Cycles
Email automation also makes it possible to do things that would have been far too time-consuming and complicated to figure out in the past. For instance, you can use an automation program to take note of when a customer is more likely to make a purchase based upon the life cycle of a particular item or their habits. If you know that someone will need to rebuy a product in six months, then having an email ready to go on the right date to let them know that it is time to restock is just the tickler that could get them to click that buy now button.
Provide Informative Transactional Emails
After ordering a product or service, your customers might have questions. Automation allows you to send emails within minutes after a customer makes a purchase that tells them important info such as when they can expect to receive a product. Transactional emails often serve as a reference for your customers that they can use to check on the details of their order. Being able to quickly confirm that they ordered the right size shirt or have the correct date for a technician to visit their house gives them confidence in your company. Plus, your team will save time by not having to manage so many customer service calls.
Avoid Dropping the Ball at Critical Times
Does your website seem to have a high level of bounces after someone has filled their cart? If so, then you might be able to swoop in with an email offer that makes them give your products or services a second chance. Automation also makes it possible to reach out to people who uninstall an app or take other negative actions. Letting them know that your company cares about their needs could help them decide to come back.
Compared to other forms of marketing, automated emails are cost-effective. You also have the benefit of being able to track its effectiveness. Once you set up your automated email marketing plan, be sure to check to see which users opened your messages or clicked on specific links. Adjusting your strategies according to what works helps each email go the extra mile for boosting your sales.